Department of Research and International Relations

71 Ngu Hanh Son, Danang City


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Startup Runway 2019



On the morning of March 2, the biggest startup competition in Central Vietnam - Startup Runway 2019 was officially launched with a kick off round at the University of Economics - Danang University. This is a grand scale competition to encourage entrepreneurship spirit for the community of students studying at colleges and universities in the Central - Highlands provinces.


The Kick-off round held at Hall E - University of Economics attracted more than 150 young people from DUE host, Polytechnic University, University of Foreign Languages, Duy Tan University, East Asia University and Da Nang University branch in Kon Tum. The contestants have heard the experts, guest speakers shares their experiences, entrepreneurship skills, as well as collaboration skills to complete business ideas.

In order for the groups to understand the rules of the competition, Mr. Nguyen Son Tung - representative of the Organizing Committee disseminated information, detailed regulations, award structure of Danang Startup Runway 2019. Specifically, the contest was held by the University of Economics - The University of Danang in collaboration with Quang Binh University, Quy Nhon University, Da Nang University Branch in Kontum, Dong A University, Duy Tan University, Tay Nguyen University and the support of Cork Technology Institute (CIT) and the Irish government. The ideas will undergo kick-off rounds, 1st round, semi-finals and final rounds (scheduled to be held at Trung Vuong Theater - Da Nang in June 2019). The group with the best ideas will receive a reward of 10 million VND and a 1-month experience trip at the Rubicon Start-up Center (Ireland), besides the idea of ​​the Second Prize and the Third Prize will also receive VND 5 million and VND 3 million.

The representative of the organizers disseminate the rules


Also at the Kick-off session, the young people have the chance to listen to experiences and entrepreneurship skills from experts, speakers and representatives of winning groups in Danang Startup Runway 2019. "How to convince investors is a vital element of the startup project” which is the advice of Mr. Ly Dinh Quan - General Director of Songhan Incubator Company. Besides, the General Director also expressed his impression on the entrepreneurial spirit of the young people today and hoped that the 2019 Startup Runway competition would ignite the flame of desire to realize the dream of starting a business of the young people of Central - Highlands provinces.


Sharing from Mr. Ly Dinh Quan


Mr. Ho Quang Dung - Deputy Director of Da Nang Business Incubator shared about his own startup story. Mr. Dung advised young people to dare to accept failure and draw lessons and experiences to avoid repeating mistakes. It will be valuable practical lessons that young people cannot learn in books or lecture halls. In addition, there are no successful start-up projects right from the first time so young people cannot give up their dreams and must be patient, persistent to succeed in the future.


Mr. Ho Quang Dung


The value of starting a business and participating in entrepreneurship competitions is the message of Mai Van Khoa - Founder of Adoor Vietnam. Mr. Khoa said that starting a business not only helps to do business, to make a profit, but also helps to train the mind and discover the potential of yourself, to serve the job as well as daily life. And the Startup Runway competition will be an opportunity for young people to embark on a career path, accumulating skills and knowledge, and interacting with successful people, creating relationships, which are precious experiences that few competitions can bring you.


Mr. Mai Van Khoa

In the exchange between the winning teams in Da Nang Startup Runway 2018 and the contestant, Nguyen Ngoc Hanh (representing the third prize) and Truong Nguyen Thao (representing the first prize) shared their memories at the contest well as the knowledge and skills learned at the Rubicon Start-up Center of Cork Institute of Technology.





Representatives of groups winning the 2018 competition


Young people share ideas about starting a business with experts