The Student Affairs Department, which was established according to the decision number 84/QD-DHDN-TCCB of director of the University of Danang in 08/01/2008, is one of eight departments of University of Economics – The University of Danang.
The Student Affairs Department advises the university director in the fields of:
- Deploying political and ethical education programs for students;
- Developing appropriate high-impact student services necessary to enhance student learning outcomes and ensure student success;
- Administering student identification information;
- Assisting students in their career exploration and decision-making and providing career counselling to students;
- Administering essential student affairs and services program such as financial aid, health care services, recreation, admission and records, student government, residence halls, and others;
- Allocating the supporting funding from outside sources such as grants, private sector foundations, fund-raising, and alumni donations,…for the students;
- Conducting evaluation, assessment and program review on all units in student affairs and services…

Functions of the Student Affairs Department
A- Admissions
Purpose/functions: To conduct admissions criteria.
Typical activities
1. Receiving/processing admission acceptances.
2. Making initial contact with prospective students.
3. Providing information about the institution to prospective students, their parents.
B- Student discipline/conduct standards
1. To educate students and the community-at-large (including parents) on university rules and regulations.
2. To resolve any conflict in which a student is involved (student vs. student, faculty vs. student, staffs vs. student).
3. To complement the efforts of other units or individuals such as faculty, police and residential life in providing an environment that is conducive to learning by consistently enforcing university policies and regulations.
4. To administer the disciplinary process in a manner that respects the due process rights of students while maintaining the integrity of the institution.
5. To educate students on current legal issues related to student conduct.
Typical activities
1. Explaining the unit’s role through new student/parent orientation programmes.
2. Training all staff members responsible for the administration of the disciplinary process.
3. Conducting educational programmes for students in the residence halls and student organizations about the disciplinary process upon request.
4. Sanctioning students responsible for misconduct through a trained university hearing panel comprised of students, faculty and staff.
5. Administering a database that includes disposition and records of the involvement of guilty students in misconduct cases.
C- Careers service
1. To assist students in their career exploration and decision-making.
2. To provide career counselling to students.
3. To provide placement of graduates into full-time and part-time employment.
4. To provide assistance, expertise and facilities to potential employers for the recruitment of graduates.
5. To match students (current and former) with potential employers.
6. To develop relationships with local employers (and others if possible) that will assist in co-curricular experiences for students.
7. To assist students in identifying opportunities for gaining international professional experience.
8. To effectively promote/market institutional alumni to prospective employers.
9. To help sustain a bond with institutional alumni to foster close mentoring relationships for students entering the workforce in their employment sectors.
Typical activities
1. Organizing activities such as job fairs and recruitment sessions during which students and employers can meet for interviews or informational sessions.
2. Collecting, maintaining and distributing appropriate credential files for employment of student candidates.
3. Organizing workshops on resume writing, employer recruiting techniques, interview skills and entrepreneurial skills.
4. Creating and updating a database with authorized student information for potential employer review and a database with potential employer information.
5. Creating and updating a database of current jobs available at all levels.
6. Creating/updating a database that tracks employment of institutional alumni.
D- Financial aid
1. To help remove financial barriers for students and assist them in financing the costs of university attendance.
2. To manage scholarship and other financial aid for students coming from the private sector and non-profit organizations.
Typical activities
1. Providing counselling to students that determines the financial aid available to them including grants, loans, scholarships, work and fee remissions.
2. Providing assistance to students and families in completing various financial aid applications and forms.
3. Dispersing financial aid funds.
4. Engaging in job development for student part-time and summer jobs, in co-operation with the careers service.
5. Developing information and conducting workshops on financial management.
E- Health services
Purpose/functions: to promote student health education and assurance programmes.
Typical activities
1. Conducting programmes and learning opportunities that emphasize self-help in achieving and maintaining health.
2. Providing affordable health insurance programs.
F- Sports/Recreation
1. To develop sports, recreation programs based on a student-centered philosophy emphasizing the overall quality of life.
2. To provide participation in a variety of recreational sports activities which satisfy the diverse needs of students, faculty and staff, and where appropriate, guests, alumni and public participants.
Typical activities
1. Co-ordinating recreational programming, facilities and equipment.
2. Providing informal programmes for self-directed, individualized involvement to meet students’ desires to participate in sport for personal fitness and enjoyment.
3. Offering sport clubs that provide opportunities for individuals to organize around a common interest in a sport within or outside the institution.
4. Providing health promotion and well-being programs.
G- Academic advising
1. To assist students in developing educational plans that are consistent with their life goals.
2. To provide students with accurate information about academic progression and degree requirements.
3. To assist students in understanding academic policies and procedures.
4. To increase student retention by providing a personal contact that students often need and request, thereby connecting them to the institution.
Typical activities
1. Helping students understand and comply with institutional requirements.
2. Assisting students in the selection of courses and other educational experiences (e.g. internships, study abroad).
3. Referring students to appropriate resources, on and off campus.
4. Interpreting various interest/ability inventories that provide students with information related to their career choices.
H- Counselling services
1. To provide counselling and clinical services to students experiencing psycho-sociological problems that could be potentially disruptive to their successful academic, interpersonal and campus adjustment.
2. To assist students in learning new and more effective ways to cope with stress and disappointment, resolve conflicts, deal with specific problems or habits, and manage their lives.
3. To provide opportunities that enable students who may be experiencing personal, social or educational problems to work towards becoming more effective in their lives within and outside the institution.
4. To assist and support students with the transition to university life.
5. To develop the highest level of professional standards to ensure delivery of high-quality, cost-effective counselling and psychological services to students.
Typical activities
1. Providing outreach services to traditional and underserved student populations including efforts to assist them to cope with typical developmental and situational issues.
2. Operating a confidential, after-hours telephone help-line/referral service to assist students in crisis when no face-to-face counselling is available.
3. Participating in student induction and welcoming programs…
I- New student programs and services (orientation)
1. To facilitate the transition of all new students, first-year, transfer and graduate students, into the institution.
2. To assist new students in understanding the purposes of higher education and the mission of the institution.
3. To prepare new students for the institution’s educational opportunities.
4. To initiate the integration of new students into the intellectual, cultural and social climate of the institution.
5. To prepare students for the diverse campus environment they will encounter.
6. To assist new students in understanding their academic responsibilities.
7. To provide new students with information about academic policies, procedures and programmes so they can make well-informed choices.
8. To inform new students about the availability of services and programmes.
9. To assist new students in becoming familiar with campus/local environments.
10. To provide new students with information/opportunities for self-assessment.
11. To provide relevant orientation information and activities to the new students’ primary support groups (e.g. parents, guardians, spouses and children).
12. To improve student retention by providing a clear and cogent introduction to the institution’s academic community.
13. To provide orientation programs for parents of students.
Typical activities
1. Explaining the overall purpose of higher education and how this general purpose translates to the institution they are attending.
2. Explaining faculty, staff and student roles, responsibilities and expectations.
3. Describing the expectations of students in regard to scholarship, integrity, conduct, financial obligations, and ethical use of technology.
4. Providing information clarifying relevant administrative policies/procedures.
5. Assisting students in utilizing course placement examinations, interest inventories, and study skills assessments in selecting a major and appropriate course.
6. Identifying appropriate referral resources, such as counsellors and advisors, and providing information about relevant services and programmes.
7. Providing new students with personal health and safety information.
8. Providing opportunities for new students to interact with faculty and staff.
9. Providing information about the physical layout of the campus including the location of key offices and functions.
10. Providing opportunities for new students to interact with continuing students to develop a sense of identification with and belonging to the institution.
J- International student services
1. To develop and promote international student retention activities.
2. To educate the university community about the value of international education through cultural programming activities on campus and community resources and issues related to international education.
3. To provide assistance and expertise to the educational community on all questions relative to the situation of international students (customs, special needs, cultural dynamics, etc.).
Typical activities
1. Serving as an advisor/counsellor for international students.
2. Providing one-to-one support to individual international students in crisis.
3. Developing social, cultural and educational support services.
4. Developing host family and mentoring activities and programmes as appropriate.
5. Organizing workshops/activities on the understanding of different cultures.