Research Introduction
The University of Economics - University of Da Nang (DUE) is recognized as one of the leading training centers in economics and management in Viet Nam. The university has always maintained and developed the staff of competent, creative and responsible researchers who contribute to the training of the business community and society. In addition to increasing the number of research projects at all levels, DUE’s scientific management orientation has gradually shifted to a strategic view, focusing on partner diversification, cooperation expansion in various fields, fortification of connection with provincial authorities and business community.
As a member of University of Da Nang, DUE sets the goal to become a research university by 2020 with the main purposes of strengthening individual and team research competence, meeting regional and international standards of scientific research. DUE always supports teachers and students in scientific research with the best resources, especially encouraging the formation of research teams (TRTs) and reading groups. TRT groups must ensure a high level of commitment and demonstrate efficiency in scientific research and research products publication, targeting at international publication in ISI journals.
Besides, DUE has step by step connected with regional and international universities, educational associations, enterprises and business associations in order to promote the exchange of resources through various types such as conference, seminar, student sponsorship, technology transfer, etc. Some conferences have become the annual signature events of DUE such as ICOAF (International Conference on Accounting and Finance), ICYREB (International Conference for Young Researchers in Economics and Business), COMB (Conference on Management and Business)... Since 2016, DUE has been cooperating with many international partners in exchange of training and scientific research. International scientific cooperation projects not only bring revenue to the University but also enhance the research competence lecturers in the context of international integration.

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Manh Toan - Rector of DUE (center) and keynote speakers at ICOAF 2019