• Introduction

    Scientific Research plays an important role as a primary objective of Faculty of Marketing during the period of formation and development. In parallel with the training purpose, strengthen the research capacity for lecturers and focusing on the international academic standards with the aim of accelerating the international and domestic articles and papers has been always taken into account. In addition, we also pay the attention to promote scientific research with highly-practical applicability, serving for consultation of marketing policies in traditional digital environment of local businesses. 

    The faculty of Marketing is one of the leading units in the field of curriculum development and reference materials for teaching and learning of students. We also set the goal to strengthen individual and team research competence, meeting regional and international standards of scientific research. The faculty of Marketing always supports teachers and students in scientific research with the best resources, especially encouraging the formation of research teams (TRTs) and reading groups. TRT groups must ensure a high level of commitment and demonstrate efficiency in scientific research and research products publication, targeting at international publication. 

    Some of the scientific results of the faculty :

    1. Scientific research publication. 

    2. International conference , MICA - MARKETING IN CONNECTED AGE

    International Conference - MICA 
