Experience of Chu My Giang, an UE-UD alumni at Ming Chi University of Technology (MCUT) - Taiwan


The experience of Chu My Giang, an UE-UD alumni at Ming Chi University of Technology (MCUT) - Taiwan

As a student majoring Marketing Management at University of Economics (the University of Danang), I graduated in 2015 and started my journey in Taiwan right after that. 5 months in Taiwan is not a long time but I still would like to share my personal experience in such a new study environment - MCUT.

The environment here at MCUT is nice, students are very competitive, my studying experience here, has been great, maybe the best studying experience that I had had in my life, it’s not only in term of advanced equipment for researching, it’s also the free and friendly environment for studying. I love every morning to go to my Lab and learn the latest advances in business management and economics. Every day is a different day here. The thing I like the most here is relationships among professors and students. All professors are friendly, you will see that they always encourage you, they always appreciate your work even it’s not too good.

Working space of My Giang at MCUT

We are supported to stay in a modern and convenient dorm. At the beginning, the facilities were not fully equipped, however Taiwanese are so kind, they helped us so much: they led us go to buy some needed things, they kindly answered us anything when we confused, they showed us how Taiwanese foods are. They invite us to have Taiwanese food with them sometimes. As for me, Taiwanese foods are easy to get familiar with, I love many Taiwanese dishes, like dumplings, chicken with onions, and also the mooncakes, a very traditional Taiwanese treat. However food in cafeteria in campus is the same every day. So I prefer to go out and get any kind of food I want.

Classroom in MCUT

Generally, I found that I’m living in the healthy environment, Taiwanese like sports. It’s convenient for me to play sports like badminton, basketball or gym. Also, there is a great hill behind our campus, I can go for hiking every day to enjoy fresh air.

The weather of Taiwan is quite similar to Vietnam’s but it’s much colder, luckily, we got warm feelings because my teachers gave us some warm clothes when winter came. We joined in the group of supporting international student. They are very helpful. We can share our consideration, our feeling and problems, then they will try to solve them and make us happier. Furthermore, Studying in MCUT is also the chance to learn Chinese. We are supported to have Chinese class once a week. Teacher is so enthusiasm and humorous.

I’m so lucky to be in Taiwan and be a MCUT student. There is a feeling like there is a lot of knowledge here, and professionalism, literacy and teachers are well prepared. I’m ready to enjoy my life here and I’m eager to challenge myself in this new house - MCUT. “It is the most wonderful place to achieve my dream”.

My Giang with Vietnamese students and UE-UD delegates at MCUT