Meeting the new Miss and Mister University of Da Nang 2024: Journey to the Future


On the evening of April 17, 2024, at Trung Vuong Theater, the Youth Union - Student Association of the University of Da Nang (UDN) successfully organized the "Miss & Mister UDN Student Ambassador" contest for 2024 with the theme "Journey to the Future." It was truly a proud night as students from the Faculty of International Business, University of Economics achieved a convincing double victory with the top titles of Miss & Mister UDN 2024. Let’s meet and look at the impressive victory journey of the new Miss Huynh Nguyen Yen Nhi and the new Mister Ngo Nhat Nguyen!

New Miss Huynh Nguyen Yen Nhi: Continuing to strive and be passionate in the new role

With radiant beauty, intelligence, and confident demeanor, the new Miss Huynh Nguyen Yen Nhi captivated the judges and the audience with her impressive performances. Yen Nhi is not only the pride of the Faculty of International Business - University of Economics but also a representative of the beauty and talent of the students of the University of Da Nang.

Miss Huynh Nguyen Yen Nhi shines with her beauty and exceptional answers in the Q&A segment

Knowing that there are many "fans" eager to interact with our new Miss, the media team of the International Business Faculty decided to conduct an exclusive interview with her to share inspiring stories about her journey to success, future plans, and her new role as the Student Ambassador of the University of Da Nang 2024. Stay tuned to read more!

Interviewer: First, we would like to send our greetings and thanks to Yen Nhi for accepting the exclusive interview with the media team of the International Business Faculty. How did you feel when your name was announced as the highest title winner?

Yen Nhi: At the moment my name was announced as the highest title winner, I felt overwhelmed and extremely happy and emotional. Besides, I am very grateful to the organizers, the judges, the teachers, my family, and friends who have always encouraged and supported me throughout this time. I also understand that from that moment, I will carry new responsibilities, so I must continue to strive and put in more effort to be worthy of this prestigious title.

Interviewer: As the Student Ambassador of the University of Da Nang, a role model for other students, embodying the youthful energy, capability, and relentless spirit of Da Nang’s youth in general and the students of the International Business Faculty in particular, what are your plans for your term?

Yen Nhi: As the Student Ambassador of the University of Da Nang, I hope to accomplish many meaningful things during my term. I want to be a bridge between the school leadership and students, contributing to improving the quality of student life and creating the best learning and living environment for students. Additionally, I hope to spread and inspire positive values in the University of Da Nang student community, helping to build an image of dynamic, creative, confident, and resilient students.

Interviewer: Have you planned the next milestones in your journey to pursue your dreams?

Yen Nhi: Currently, I will continue to strive in my studies to achieve the goals I have set for myself. Additionally, I will continuously learn and acquire new knowledge and experiences. Participating actively in school activities and social work is something I aim for in the future. I believe that with my efforts and enthusiasm, I will achieve success in the future.

New Mister Ngo Nhat Nguyen: The moment of coronation with pride, gratitude, and appreciation

With the purpose of inspiring and spreading positive energy among the youth, today we have invited our new Mister for an exclusive interview. Let's listen to Ngo Nhat Nguyen share his feelings after the victory, future plans, and his new role as the Student Ambassador of the University of Da Nang 2024.

Interviewer: First, we would like to send our greetings and thanks to Nhat Nguyen for accepting the exclusive interview with the media team of the International Business Faculty. How did you feel when your name was announced as the highest title winner?

Nhat Nguyen: The applause and cheers that filled the hall are moments I will never forget in my youth journey. The pride of seeing my efforts rewarded, the gratitude for the wonderful encounters, and the appreciation of this sacred moment. For the first time, I stood on a big stage, with my mother and family witnessing my growth. It felt like I had conquered a long-held dream. This victory is not just for me but for all those who have always believed in me, supported, and accompanied me on this journey.

Nhat Nguyen demonstrated his confidence and intellectual beauty during the final night

Interviewer: As the Student Ambassador of the University of Da Nang, and a role model for other students, what are your plans for your term?

Nhat Nguyen: Achieving this prestigious title is an honor and a great responsibility for me towards the community. In the upcoming 2-year term, I hope to use this opportunity to learn and improve continuously, becoming a student ambassador with a voice and a positive influence on the Da Nang student community and students nationwide.

Interviewer: Have you planned the next milestones in your journey to pursue your dreams?

Nhat Nguyen: In the near future, my highest goal is to successfully defend my graduation thesis and achieve the excellent bachelor’s degree that I have long pursued. Besides, I will continue to master another foreign language, which I believe will open many opportunities for me in the future. Additionally, I aim to further develop soft skills,and acquire more knowledge and experience to become more confident and resilient. Lastly, I will not forget to contribute to the community: I want to participate in charity activities and help those in difficult situations.

Having achieved the current success thanks to the support and help of many people, although I still have many shortcomings, I believe I can become better and more fitting with this prestigious title. I hope to continue receiving love and support from everyone in the upcoming journey.

We believe that the DUE ambassadors will make significant contributions to the community in their new roles.

(In the photo: Mister Ngo Nhat Nguyen - third from the left; Miss Huynh Nguyen Yen Nhi - second from the right)

News from the Faculty of International Business