Extracurricular Learning Activities, Semester I, Academic Year 2019-2020


The Faculty of Economics would like to inform all regular students of the Faculty about the extracurricular learning activities for Semester I, Academic Year 2019-2020 (Completing the extracurricular sessions is a prerequisite for completing the learning process and being eligible for graduation).

Time: 7:30 AM, Sunday, January 12, 2020

Venue: Hall E

Participants: All students of the 43K cohort and students of the 42K cohorts and earlier who have not yet completed the extracurricular requirements (A list is attached). Class representatives are required to confirm attendance and provide contact information (phone number and email) of the participating students. Additionally, the 44K cohort must send 80 students, allocated to specific classes as follows: 44K04, 44K20.1, and 44K20.2 with 23 students each, and 44K11 with 11 students. Class representatives should compile the list and send it via email, along with the contact information of the participating students, to chuongon@due.edu.vn before 8:00 PM on Tuesday, January 7, 2020.

Requirements: Punctual attendance, appropriate attire, and active participation in the discussion of the report topics.