Proposed list of study encouragement scholarship for talented students of course 48k

The university announces Proposed list of study encouragement scholarship for talented students for talented students of the 48K who have achieved high results in the admission process for the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023, with a total amount of 664,500,000 VND.

Students should take note of the following:

1. This is only a tentative list and may be subject to adjustments based on further feedback. Students should follow the official decision.

2. The university awards the Talent Scholarships for the year 2022 in priority order, from top to bottom (without considering preferential points), until the scholarship fund is exhausted.

Students should carefully review the regulations at: https://bom.so/2p08YT to regulations for checking and providing feedback within the specified timeframe. Before asking questions, students are required to read the Talent Scholarship regulations carefully, review whether they belong to the priority group for scholarship consideration. If students have any questions, they should follow these steps:

- Step 1: Fill in the information at Link: https://bom.so/Kk6dIj

- Step 2: Students must contact the scholarship officer of their department for specific answers before 3:00 PM on November 3, 2022. (After the deadline, the university will close the form for official evaluation, and will only handle feedback cases according to the specified timeframe.)

3. At the end of the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023, the university has set aside approximately 1,500,000,000 VND to award study encouragement scholarship for the first semester (2022-2023) to all remaining students of the 48K cohort, based on academic performance and semester activities of the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023, as well as a portion for students in difficult circumstances, following the scholarship evaluation regulations of the university.

4. Students should carefully check their information such as full name, date of birth, student ID, class, admission score, etc. If there are any incorrect information, students should follow these steps:

- Step 1: Fill in the information at Link. https://bom.so/Kk6dIj

- Step 2: Students should urgently inform the scholarship officer of their department for necessary adjustments.

Deadline: Before 3:00 PM on November 3, 2022. (After the deadline, the university will close the form for official evaluation.)

List of Talent Scholarships for the 48K cohort: Link to the list: https://bom.so/oYkRu0