• Classrooms & Halls

    Located on an area of 4.9 hectares with a construction area of 43,214 m2 including 9 spacious building blocks, UD-DUE possesses adequate lecture halls, classrooms, conference rooms, etc. to carry out teaching, learning and researching activities.

    • Total 99 classrooms are fully equipped with air conditioners, wireless internet connection, projectors, computers and speakers. Some classrooms are well designed to suit active learning and learner-friendly styles.
    • 06 main lecture halls with seating capacities of 40 people (02 halls), 100 people (03 halls), 600 people (01 hall) and 6 conference rooms in Block D.
    • 01 newly-built Multipurpose Building in the center of the campus been put into operation by the end of 2020 with 6 meeting rooms, 30 separate working rooms for Professors, Associate Professors and 2 large working rooms (including 30 working places) for Doctors for working and scientific research activities. Also, all administration departments are located at that Multipurpose Building, which facilitates the interaction and communication among lecturers, staff and students.