Doan Thi Hoai Nam - Assisstant to customer relationship director at MB Bank - Danang Branch

"What are we worried about when we go to College?" Let's listen to the excellent student Doan Thi Hoai Nam with an overall score of 3.34 and currently an Assistant director of customer relations at MB Bank - Da Nang branch.

Name: Doan Thi Hoai Nam

Date of birth:

Class: 34K15

Specialization: Corporate Finance

Faculty: Finance and Banking

GPA: 3.34   Degree classification: Very good

The positions held after graduation until now:

·  Assistant to customer relationship director at MB - Da Nang branch

Comment on the student's major from Doan Thi Hoai Nam:

"Many students when entering the university environment often wonder, confused about which path to develop themselves. I think you just study, keep working, just do what you like. You have 4 years to experience in one of the leading educational training environments in the country, so don't waste your time, cultivate it every day. When you graduate from school, feel free to experience, youth gives us many opportunities to act, learn, stumble and grow."