• Keynote Speakers

    We are pleased to announce that distinguished colleagues will join the conference as keynote speakers:

    Professor Nakamura Hiroyuki is the Dean of Faculty of Business Management at Yokohama National University, Japan. He teaches accounting and cost control. His research gravitates around the area of cost accounting in the Japanese context but also in management control in Japanese multinational firm established in Asia. He frequently interviews Japanese expatriates in charge of Japanese subsidiaries in Asian countries, including China, Vietnam and Indonesia. His articles are published in the leading journals in Japanese, Frence and English.
    Professor Margaret Woods joined Aston business School in May 2010 having previously held the position of Associate Professor in Accounting and Finance at Nottingham University Business School. She has worked in both academia and industry. She is the co-ordinator of the European Risk Research Forum and her research focuses on risk and performance management in both the public and private sectors. She is also involved in research with Japanese Universities comparing the resource allocation models and management accounting systems in Japan and the UK. In 2011, She was awarded fellowship of the RSA in recognition of my work in the area of financial services.

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