Closing Ceremony of the 13th Danang University Student Sports Festival 2024: University of Economics Team Achieves First Place Overall


On the afternoon of April 26, 2024, after 15 days of lively competition in the spirit of solidarity, honesty, and sportsmanship, the Closing Ceremony of the 13th Danang University Student Sports Festival was solemnly held at the Sports Center, Faculty of Physical Education, Danang University. The event attracted numerous athletes, coaches, team leaders, and supporters who are students of Danang University. With a total of 159 points, including 11 gold medals, 7 silver medals, and 8 bronze medals, the University of Economics team excellently secured the first place overall. This result is a deserving reward for the meticulous preparation, solidarity, and wholehearted competition of the coaches, team leaders, and athletes from the University of Economics.

Danang University Leaders Present Trophy and Commemorative Flag to Top 3 Teams

Deserving Achievement of the University of Economics Team

Attending the ceremony were Dr. Phan Minh Duc, Party Secretary, and Chairman of Danang University Council; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thanh Bac, Vice President of Danang University, and Head of the Organizing Committee of the Festival; Dr. Vo Dinh Hop, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education, and Director of the Sports Center of Danang University; representatives from sponsoring organizations; leaders of the Youth Union, Student Association, and functional departments of Danang University; and representatives of the Board of Directors and Student Affairs Departments from member universities and affiliated training units.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thanh Bac - Vice President of Danang University speaks

In his closing remarks, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thanh Bac, Vice President of Danang University and Head of the Organizing Committee, recognized and highly appreciated the efforts and dedication of the athletes, the support and facilitation provided by the leadership of Danang University and its member universities, the high sense of responsibility, and the positive contributions of the Faculty of Physical Education, the Sports Center, and the organizing team. He thanked everyone for their contributions to the success of the festival.

Dr. Vo Dinh Hop - Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education, Director of the Sports Center, Reports on the Festival's Results

On this occasion, the leadership of Danang University expressed gratitude for the support and cooperation of the Department of Physical Education - Ministry of Education and Training, various departments, sectors, and sponsors. They hope to continue receiving support from leaders and partners to further develop a healthy and beneficial sports movement for Danang University students, contributing to overall health, comprehensive education, and the prevention of social evils, in response to the “National Movement for Physical Training Following Uncle Ho’s Example.”

The festival, celebrating the 30th anniversary of Danang University and national commemorative days, was an opportunity to evaluate the physical training and sports activities of Danang University students. It also helped select outstanding athletes to form teams for upcoming sports competitions.

Held from April 12 to April 26, 2024, the festival featured 7 sports with 10 events (Athletics, Men’s/Women’s Football, Men’s/Women’s Volleyball, Men’s/Women’s Basketball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Chess), attracting many students to participate and cheer.

Organizing Committee Presents First, Second, and Third Place Awards in Athletics

According to the Organizing Committee, teams participated with a spirit of unity, honesty, and sportsmanship. Many teams demonstrated careful preparation, strong technical and physical skills, and delivered exciting, high-quality competitions.

Organizing Committee Presents First, Second, and Third Place Awards in Men’s Basketball

The organization of the event was meticulous and thorough, with significant improvements in facilities, contributing to better competition quality and safety for the athletes.

Organizing Committee Presents First, Second, and Third Place Awards in Women’s Basketball

The overall results saw the University of Economics team winning the first place with 159 points (11 gold, 7 silver, 8 bronze medals); the University of Technology team securing second place with 142 points (12 gold, 10 silver, 7 bronze medals); and the University of Education team achieving third place with 125 points (5 gold, 8 silver, 6 bronze medals).

Organizing Committee Presents First, Second, and Third Place Awards in Women’s Football

Following were the teams from the University of Information and Communication Technology, the University of Foreign Languages, the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, the University of Technical Education, the Vietnam-UK Institute for Research and Training, and Danang University - Kon Tum Campus.

Athletes from the University of Economics had enthusiastic, exciting and memorable days of competition

Closing a Successful and Meaningful Festival

Congratulations on the successful festival! Congratulations to all the sports teams and athletes! See you at the upcoming sports competitions and the 14th Danang University Student Sports Festival.

Learning Resource Center - Danang University and Center for Information and Communication Technology - University of Economics