Final Round of Miss & Mr UD-2024 Student Ambassador Contest: DUE Students Win with Impressive Talent and Beauty!


On the evening of April 17, 2024, at the Trung Vuong Theater in Da Nang City, the Youth Union and Student Association of the University of Danang (UDN) organized the final round of the "Miss & Mr UD-2024 Student Ambassador Contest" with the theme "Journey to the Future."

With beauty, talent, and impressive answers in the Q&A segments, contestants from the University of Economics fully conquered the judges and won the two highest positions in the competition. Female student Huynh Nguyen Yen Nhi was honored to receive the title of Miss University of Danang 2024, while student Ngo Nhat Nguyen also excellently became the Mister of Miss & Mr UD 2024. Additionally, student Truong Quang Hao won the title of Second Runner-up in the Male category.

Organizers present the Miss UD-2024 award to female student Huynh Nguyen Yen Nhi - University of Economics - UDN.

Organizers present the Mr. UD-2024 award to male student Ngo Nhat Nguyen - University of Economics - UDN.

Second Runner-up Truong Nhat Hao (right) received the title from the organizers.

Miss & Mr UD-2024 is a creative version of the talented and elegant student contests.

Attending the final night were Associate Professor Nguyen Ngoc Vu, Member of the City Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee, and Director of UDN; Dr. To Van Hung, Member of the City Party Committee, Secretary of Hoa Vang District Party Committee; Comrade Nguyen Manh Dung, Member of the City Party Committee, Secretary of Da Nang City Youth Union; Comrade Le Cong Hung, Deputy Secretary of the City Youth Union, President of Da Nang City Student Association; Comrade Nguyen Ba Duan, Deputy Secretary of the City Youth Union, President of the Da Nang City Youth Federation; and Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoi An, Deputy Director of the Da Nang City Department of Culture and Sports.

The contest received attention from various levels of leadership, the support of businesses, and enthusiastic backing from a large audience and students.

Also in attendance were representatives of the leadership from the Board of Rectors/Councils of member universities and affiliated units; organizations and unions (Trade Union, Youth Union, UDN Student Association); sponsors and partners; and the judging panel, highlighted by the participation of Miss Vietnam 2022 Huynh Thi Thanh Thuy, Miss Intercontinental 2022 Le Nguyen Bao Ngoc, along with a large number of contestants, relatives, and students from high schools invited to watch and cheer.

Representatives of the organizers presented flowers to thank the sponsors and partners.

According to Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Dat, Secretary of the UDN Youth Union and Head of the Organizing Committee, this activity received the attention of UDN leadership, member universities, and affiliated units, aiming to comprehensively educate and provide opportunities for students to showcase their beauty, intellect, physicality, and aesthetics, illuminating the "five-good" student flowers, ready to become "global citizens."

Representatives of the organizers presented flowers to the judging panel.

The contest was organized to celebrate the 30th anniversary of UDN's establishment (1994-2024), to commemorate national anniversaries, and to attract thousands of students' participation, with nearly 200 outstanding male and female students from member universities and affiliated training units of UDN.

Contestants performing in traditional attire.

According to Mr. Vo Hieu Nghia, Director of External Relations at ADCATS Media and Event Company, the Diamond sponsor, ADCATS accompanies UDN youth events because UDN is a cradle nurturing dreams and talents, recognized with numerous national and international beauty titles over the years.

From the preliminary round, 54 contestants (27 female and 27 male) were selected to participate in the semi-finals, featuring segments such as self-introduction and school/unit presentation via video clips, group youth projects, traditional costume performances, talent shows, and speech competitions. The contestants were also supported, advised, and trained by experts in presentation skills, stage performance, and artistic expression to confidently advance to the final round, which featured the top 12 female and 12 male contestants competing in the traditional attire, evening gown, and Q&A segments.

Organizers present the second prizes in the Female and Male categories.

The confident, elegant, and intelligent beauty of UDN students shone through, convincing the judges with their beautiful life philosophies, readiness to contribute to the community, and preparation for global integration for a bright future, receiving enthusiastic cheers from the audience during the final night.

As a result, the organizing committee and judges honored female student Huynh Nguyen Yen Nhi from the University of Economics - UDN with the title of "Miss UD-2024" and a crown worth over VND 100 million, while male student Ngo Nhat Nguyen from the University of Economics - UDN won the title of "Mr UD-2024," both receiving prestigious awards from the contest.

Contestants receive awards for Speech, Q&A, Media Ambassador, and Most Voted.

The second and third prizes in the female category went to students Le Nha Uyen (University of Education - UDN) and Doan Thi Dieu Huyen (Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology, UDN). The second and third prizes in the male category went to students Nguyen Huu Duc Tam (University of Science and Technology - UDN) and Truong Quang Hao (University of Economics - UDN).

Showcasing the intellectual, talented, and elegant beauty of UDN students.

According to the judging panel, these outstanding faces deserved to become ambassadors, spreading the elegant, intellectual, and brave spirit of UDN students. This year's contest inherited the success of previous UDN talented and elegant student contests with a new, creative, and appropriate version, organized meticulously, professionally, and attractively by the UDN Youth Union and Student Association, truly becoming a beneficial "playground" on the "Journey to the Future."

University of Danang - www.udn.vn