Spreading kindness in our community to overcome the pandemic


These days, everyone throughout the country is joining hands to fight the Covid-19 epidemic. In addition to the determined actions to prevent the epidemic, we still see the generous hearts of organizations and individuals who have promptly shared with those who are in difficulty, especially students who are studying in the pandemic.

The Covid-19 epidemic has made the lives of students, especially dorm students, who are staying at school much more difficult. During those difficult times, many practical and meaningful actions have been taken thanks to the beauty of human love. The touching stories that My An Ward People's Committee has given to the University of Economics, UD in recent years have shown us the generosity and responsibility to the community of an organization.


Students are waiting in line for testing


We were touched and really appreciate the beautiful stories of the officials and volunteers of the People's Committee of My An ward who coordinated with the school in the reception of Lao students. The residents have asked, encouraged, and provided food and mental support for students who are staying in the dormitories, and organize Covid19 testing for students staying at the school during this period.

The blue shirt of the youth, the uniform of the Ward officials who always appear to help in the most urgent times, has accompanied the school in the fight against the pandemic. Even though each person has their own job, they all have the same determination to fight the pandemic, love, and care for the community, for the people around them. It can be seen that this is solid proof of the love and sharing of compatriots of the Vietnamese people in general and of the people of Da Nang in particular.


The food source is always ready to timely support all students

Student Senlamphanh Poupe, class 44K06.2, majoring in accounting was touched by the support: “I am so thankful for the support from the People's Committee of My An ward who are always willing to help me and the students at the dormitory during this difficult time. At the same time, I want to thank the school for always creating conditions to help us have a good and safe learning environment during the epidemic."

The kind hearts are not only with material actions but also a great mental encouragement from the university, the mutual love and warmth of the People's Committee of the Ward during this difficult situations. 

The staff of the People's Committee of My An Ward always support and help the students in the school's dormitory


Various food is provided to dormitory students

The future ahead is still difficult, but the consensus between the government and the people and the timely support has sent so much love and encouragement to all people to overcome the pandemic together. It is such a meaningful and humane action that the People's Committee of My An Ward has to support the school and the dormitory students in recent years. It is believed that we will surely win the Covid-19 pandemic together in the near future.


Small but meaningful gifts for students in the dormitory