About the Program
The Bachelor of International Business Program successfully completing the ASEAN University Network - Quality Assurance Program Assessment

Undergraduate program in IB
Undergraduate program in IB was established in 1992 with purpose of equipping learners the number of knowledge and skills to understand and participate in the modern business world.
This program is applied using the credit training system with 133 credits including general courses, fundamental courses and specialized courses including IB major courses, IB project and graduation thesis. The curriculum is designed according to a flexible route that allows students to make their own study plan and complete the program from 3 to 6 years.
Bachelor’s Degree in International Business creates a solid foundation for students to be able to do business in an international environment and specialize in foreign trade; good quality, conscious of compliance with professional ethics; have skills in informatics, foreign languages, business communication to adapt to the rapid change of business environment and the necessary ability for lifelong learning purposes.
We are proud of the outstanding results in academic and extracurricular activities of students of the Faculty. International Business students, with good professional and foreign language skills, are at the forefront of international cooperation activities promoting community. Students from Faculty of International Business receive many foreign exchange scholarships and have opportunities to study in developed countries such as England, Germany, Spain, Ireland ...
General information
General information about The Faculty of International business shown as below
Program title
International Business
The Degree of Bachelor in International Business
Mode of study
Program duration
4 years
Number of credits
133 (Excluding Physical Education and National Defense Education)
International Business
80% Vietnamese, 20% English (at least)
Expected Program Learning Outcomes
Explain key theories and conceptsin business and economics.
Identify challenges and opportunities that emerge when firms operate cross cultural, national and/or political borders.
Evaluate various international business strategies and/or functional activities in international business.
Implement the transactions in import and export of goods, international logistics, and international trade financing.
Propose effective solutions for problems arised in international business.
Collaborate effectively with others to achieve a common purpose.
Communicate effectively and professionally by using appropriate and context specific terminologies in general and in international business
Apply concepts of business ethics and social responsibility in business dilemmas.
Use English effectively in working context.
Utilize IT and statistic tools in solving international business issues.
Engage on a life-long learning.
Display commitments to conform disciplines.
Program Objectives
The International Business program has been carefully designed in the structure and content to provide students with critical business skills and knowledge in the international perspective and develop an understanding of the social, cultural and political dimensions of global business, basing on the requirements and feedback of stakeholders. This curriculum is strongly benchmarked with the program from many universities, such as The University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Aston University, England, University of New South Wales, Australia. The objectives of the IB program are to provide students with:
- Specialized knowledge and skills relevant to the development and the management of international business organisations, especially in the import and export firms;
- Fundamental knowledge in economic and business science for further training;
- Teamwork, problem-solving, communication, and IT skills;
- English in work at intermediate level;
- Professional working behaviours;
- Ability of self-studying.
Career Opportunities
Graduated students meet demand of the following duties:
* Import/Export Business:
- Import/Export manager
- Sales executive, Import/Export Executive
- Purchaser, Merchandiser
- Documents, Customer Service staff
- Trader
* Foreign Invested Enterprise (FIE):
- Market researcher
- Global marketing consultant
- International finance consultant
- International investment consultant
* Import/Export support enterprise:
- Forwarder, Chartering & Brokering
- International trade finance manager
- Shipping Agency staff
- Customs staff
* Government/ Non-government Agency; Research Institution:
- Consultant in government and non-government organizations
- Trade promotion expert
- Consultant in International Business
- Researcher/ Lecturer