The International Business Department has a tradition of over 25 years in training human resources for international business activities. In the Central and Central Highlands regions, the Faculty of International Business, University of Economics - Danang University, is proud to be a pioneer in approaching, applying and transferring international business knowledge in the context of globalization has been going strong. The history of formation, development and training tradition of the International Business Faculty is reflected in the following milestones:
- In 1992, before the demand for human resources to serve the international economic integration of Vietnam, the University of Economics implemented a Bachelor's degree in Foreign Trade and assigned it to the faculty of Industry and Trade - founded in 1985, has a precursor from the Faculty of Economics, which was a part of Danang University of Science and Technology - established in 1975).
- In 1995, the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism, established on the foundation of the Faculty of Industry and Trade, continued to undertake specialized training in foreign trade and directly managed and taught subjects related to the field of international business.
- In 2012, the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism was divided into two Faculties of Commerce and Tourism. The Faculty of Commerce directly manages two programs: Commerce Business and International Business.
- On February 6, 2018, in order to increase the level of specialization and create a stronger motivation for the development of training activities in international business, the Faculty of Commerce was renamed to the Faculty of International Business following the Decision No. 484 / QD-DHKT of the Rector of the University of Economics, Danang University.
Throughout the length of the development process, the Faculty of International Business is proud of its tradition and contribution to the overall development of the University in education, training, scientific research and delivery. community development. Following what has been achieved, with its mission and responsibility, the Faculty of International Business will become a reliable training place, worthy of the trust of teachers, students, society and business community.