Female Student Shares Experience Winning a Full Master's Scholarship in Hong Kong


Recently, Vo Thi Thu Nga, an alumna of class 45K01.2 from the Faculty of International Business, excelled in receiving a full scholarship for the Master of Global Management at HKU Business School, valued at HKD 490,000. The University of Hong Kong (HKU) is one of the oldest universities in Hong Kong. HKU Business School ranks first in the world according to Times Higher Education and The Wall Street Journal Business School Report for its one-year MBA program and first in Asia according to the UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings.

Thu Nga learned about this scholarship when she was a fourth-year student. At that time, Le Vu Quan, the Academic Director of HKU Vietnam, visited the University of Economics - UDN to introduce the scholarship to students. However, Nga felt she was not confident and prepared enough to apply, so she missed the opportunity. Later, after graduating and working, she discovered that the scholarship was open for 2024 applications. She immediately prepared her application. With her knowledge and achievements in her field, Nga found a suitable program, the Master of Global Management.

Thu Nga was overjoyed to receive the full scholarship for the Master of Global Management at HKU Business School.

One of the main motivations for Nga to pursue a study abroad scholarship was her curiosity about the outside world. Growing up in a mountainous district, Nga always dreamed of setting foot in another country to explore and see the diversity and differences in culture and lifestyle. Additionally, after working for over a year, Nga realized she wanted to further enhance her knowledge and skills in an international environment. She eagerly anticipates immersing herself in the academic environment of a top Asian university, interacting and learning from peers and seniors with diverse backgrounds. Nga hopes to gain valuable knowledge for her future career development and enjoy many interesting experiences in Hong Kong.

Nga began preparing her application at the end of October 2023 and submitted it at the end of the year. Like most scholarships, the application included a CV, personal essay, university diploma and transcripts, responses to personal and scholarship motivation questions, and two recommendation letters from faculty members. After waiting, Nga received the results and had an interview with the scholarship committee at the end of January 2024. Luckily, the interview went smoothly. Thu Nga shared, "I think those who want to study abroad should prepare their applications as early as possible. Striving for high academic results, preparing English qualifications, participating in competitions to gain experience, and engaging in meaningful extracurricular activities are essential criteria for any scholarship." She added, "If you start early, once you find a suitable scholarship, you can apply immediately to increase your chances of success. Don't wait until you find your desired scholarship to start preparing. Being proactive and active in class or participating in departmental activities will also be essential for your CV."

A cheerful and sociable person, Thu Nga always aspires to learn and experience globally. Therefore, she had high hopes of winning this scholarship from the beginning. When she received the scholarship result, Nga was overwhelmed with happiness. "The scholarship I received is the full Master of Global Management scholarship from HKU Business School. I am deeply grateful for the support of Le Vu Quan - Academic Director of HKU Vietnam, and the faculty and lecturer of DUE and the Faculty of International Business for encouraging and helping me complete my application."

To achieve high academic results and pursue her study abroad dream, Thu Nga had set up her study methods and secrets. She shared, "I believe being proactive and hardworking helped me achieve good academic results. During classes, I tried to focus on understanding the lectures. This saved me time studying at home before exams. Actively participating in class discussions is also an effective way to retain and apply knowledge later. With this enthusiastic spirit, students can also make a good impression on their teachers."

With just over two months until she moves to Hong Kong, Nga has been planning her accommodation and learning about life and culture in Hong Kong to adapt quickly. She also connected with and sought advice from Vietnamese alumni at HKU, who enthusiastically helped her understand the academic environment and living conditions in Hong Kong. "This will undoubtedly be a dream journey, and I am very excited," Nga said.

Here are some of Vo Thi Thu Nga's notable achievements during her time at DUE:

- Top 25 Lazada Forward Scholarship 2022

- Champion of the 2022 University of Economics, University of Danang Logistics Young Talent Contest

- Third prize in the Scientific Research Competition of the Faculty of International Business, University of Economics - UDN (2021-2022)

- Five times awarded the study encouragement scholarship at the University of Economics, University of Danang

- Acecook Happy Scholarship for two consecutive years (2020, 2021)

- Certificate of Merit for students with outstanding academic and training achievements awarded by the Rector of the University of Economics - UDN for three consecutive years: 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022


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