Conference of Officials and Staff for the Academic Year 2023-2024: Unity, Consensus, Innovation, Towards Smart University


On December 2nd, the University of Economics organized the Conference of Officials and Staff for the academic year 2023-2024. The event was attended by Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Manh Toan, Deputy Director of the University of Da Nang, along with representatives of leadership from political and social organizations, offices, and functional departments of the University of Da Nang. The University of Economics was represented by Assoc. Prof. Le Van Huy, the Rector of the university, the Executive Board, the Trade Union Chairman, leaders of departments and faculties, and representatives of university staff.

The conference reviewed the results of the 2022-2023 academic year through a video clip presentation. Throughout the academic year, the university staff and students continued to foster unity, democracy, intellectual advancement, and dedicated efforts with a high sense of responsibility to successfully fulfill their academic duties. Additionally, the university leadership proactively formulated and implemented resolutions, contributing to the overall success of the academic year 2022-2023.

Regarding Party affairs:

The University of Economics' Party Committee excellently fulfilled its tasks for the 2022-2023 academic year and was commended by the Party Committee of the University of Da Nang. Particularly noteworthy was the successful organization of the interim conference of the 8th Party Congress of the University of Economics for the term 2020-2025 and the mid-term review of party-building activities in the first half of 2023.

In terms of Personnel and recruitment:

The university has organized and strengthened the School Council from 15 members to 19 members and elected the Council's chairman. The School's Party Executive Committee has also been consolidated, the Party Committee has elected a Party Secretary, additional Standing Committee members, and 2 Party members. Under the direction of Danang University and the University's Party Executive Committee, the University has agreed to elect a Rector for the 2020 - 2025 term; Organize the Announcement Ceremony, and award the Decision to recognize the University Rector. The school has implemented the appointment and reappointment process for 11 managers following the process, democracy, openness, and transparency.

In the recruitment process, the university organized three recruitment rounds in the academic year 2022 - 2023, bringing in qualified personnel suitable for various positions and supporting the development of the workforce in line with the university's strategic plan. In the previous year, the university had 13 more lecturers complete the doctoral training program. The doctoral rate reached 46.5%. Sending 17 lecturers to study as graduate students (including 10 graduate students studying at prestigious universities around the world). Promulgate regulations on lecturers' working regimes and job position projects for the period 2023 - 2025.

In the field of Education and enrollment:

The enrollment process used flexible and diverse enrollment methods contributing to a highly successful recruitment process. Regular undergraduate admissions reached 100% of the target, with high entry scores. Notably, there was significant growth in enrollment for the International Business program taught entirely in English and the new program in FinTech. The enrollment for the part-time work-study program increased by 123% compared to the 2021-2022 academic year. Efforts were also made to recruit postgraduate students, resulting in a high intake.

The university emphasized the development of educational programs, completing the review, update, and issuance of new programs at all education levels. Additionally, new exchange programs were introduced to welcome students from partner universities, creating opportunities for the university's students to study abroad.

In terms of Examination work and ensuring educational quality:

The university meticulously planned and organized end-of-semester exams with over 75,000 participants each semester, ensuring fairness, seriousness, and efficiency. Collaborating with the University of Foreign Languages and the Foreign Language Department, the university organized entrance and exit language proficiency assessments for students. New regulations for end-of-semester exams were also introduced with updated content.

The School Board of Directors has directed the Faculties and Departments to do well in preparation and participate in the accreditation of 04 new training programs according to AUN-QA standards including Economics, Commercial Business, Information System Management, and Human Resource Management. External Evaluation Accreditation for the University's two Economic Law and State Management programs.

In terms of Scientific Research:

Concerning scientific research activities, the university expanded research and knowledge transfer activities in the fields of economics and management. The past academic year saw 78 internationally published papers, 109 domestically published papers included in the list of journals evaluated by the State Professorship Council, and the publication of 12 books and teaching materials. Several university scientists received prestigious awards for their contributions to science and technology: 3 lecturers received awards in Science and Technology activities of Da Nang City, 10 lecturers received Certificates of Merit from the Director of Da Nang University, 34 international articles were awarded by the Ministry of Education and Training, 26 The international article received an award from the Science and Technology Development Fund of the University of Danang.

Successful international workshops and conferences were organized in collaboration with reputable partners. The university played a leading role in preparing the "Annual Economic Report of Da Nang 2022 and Growth Scenarios for the Next Period," and it hosted a workshop to announce the findings in June 2023. Entrepreneurship activities of students were widely promoted, and they actively participated in national and international startup competitions.

In terms of International cooperation:

The university strengthened its network with businesses and established diverse partnerships across various fields. The university invited experts to teach specific courses, organized seminars, and facilitated exchanges with the business community through career orientation sessions and the 2023 Job Fair. Several cooperation agreements were signed with businesses and local authorities nationwide.

Over the past year, the university continued to implement various international cooperation projects to enhance the capacity of lecturers and students. It facilitated the transfer of lecturers and dozens of students to study and research at partner universities abroad through student exchange programs, 2+2 programs, and 3+1 programs. The university signed multiple cooperation agreements with partner universities such as Hull University, Monash University, Lincoln University, and Surabaya University. The university actively supported international students studying at the university, hosting visiting international faculty and students for academic exchange.

In terms of Infrastructure and financial planning:

The university procured and repaired facilities to support routine activities following the proper procedures, ensuring quality, and meeting the stipulated deadlines. Classrooms and research rooms were uniformly and modernly constructed or renovated, providing an essential foundation for upgrading teaching quality and methods.

In financial planning, the university effectively managed finances and assets, resolving salary, teaching, scholarship, and social insurance-related matters for staff and students accurately and promptly. The university provided valuable input to the university leadership in financial planning, forecasting, and ensuring a balanced budget, prioritizing human development.

Assoc. Prof. Le Van Huy reported on the direction and tasks for the academic year 2023-2024, outlining the university's sustainable development and its commitment to becoming a smart university. Key tasks included focusing on Party building, innovating educational management, advancing digital transformation towards building a smart school, strengthening recruitment, training, and development of staff, enhancing the quality and quantity of the workforce, maintaining stability in undergraduate admissions, continuously improving the internal quality assurance system, consolidating a quality culture within the university, concentrating on developing infrastructure, reviewing and timely supplementing teaching materials to serve teaching and learning effectively, implementing support measures for students' learning and training, intensifying scientific research linked with innovation, boosting communication activities, particularly enhancing the university's brand recognition, refining regulations on quality assessment, classification, and commendations for teams and individuals in a substantive direction.

Assoc. Prof. Le Van Huy reported on the direction and tasks for the academic year 2023-2024

During the conference, reports on the activities of the University Council, the People's Inspection Committee for the academic year 2022-2023, and financial work were also presented.

Dr. Huynh Thi Hong Hanh - Vice Principal of the University reports on financial work for the 2022 - 2023 school year

The conference also heard reports on the activities of the School Council and reports on the activities of the People's Inspection Board

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Manh Toan, in his directive speech at the conference, highly appreciated the achievements of the university in the past academic year, especially the continuous improvement of the University of Economics' reputation and brand, as well as the care for the lives of officials and staff, particularly in the successful recruitment efforts. Based on the achieved results, the University of Da Nang expects the entire staff of the University of Economics to continue to be united, dedicated, and achieve many outstanding accomplishments amid international integration and digital transformation in education. The focus should be on key tasks: elevating the university to new heights, contributing to the early realization of the aspiration to make the University of Da Nang a national university; focusing on innovation, sharing, and expanding resources in preparation for the Da Nang University Village project; continuously learning from advanced university management models nationally and globally; restructuring key personnel with a spirit of solidarity, transparency, and openness; developing plans to attract talent, improving material and spiritual lives for officials and staff; researching and developing, improving the quality of postgraduate education and admissions; strengthening international cooperation, especially with partners in Southeast Asia; guiding the digital transformation in education, concentrating on researching applications of artificial intelligence in all aspects of university activities.

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Manh Toan delivered a directive speech at the conference

At the conference session, the delegation of the university's leadership absorbed and thoroughly exchanged ideas from the grassroots-level officials and staff conference. The leadership delegation explained and discussed comprehensively the issues raised by the representatives of officials and staff.

The delegates voted to agree on the targets set for the 2023 - 2024 academic year

Delegates unanimously passed the striving targets and approved the conference resolution during the working session. To realize the determination to achieve the striving targets, the representatives of the university's leadership signed a commitment agreement for the academic year 2023-2024. With a democratic spirit and high consensus, the conference of officials and staff for the academic year 2023-2024 was successfully held.

Representatives of the University leadership and the University Trade Union signed an emulation contract for the 2023 - 2024 school year

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