Resource orchestration in practice


Title: Resource orchestration in practice: CEO emphasis on SHRM, commitment-based HR systems, and firm performance

Arthor: Chadwick, Clint; Super, Janice F; Kwon Kiwook

Key word: resource orchestration;resource-based theory;HR systems;firm performance;structural equations model

Overview: In order to be effective, managers at all levels of the firm must engage in resource management activities, and these efforts are synchronized and orchestrated by top management. Using a specific type of strategic resource, commitment-based human resource systems, we examine the effect of CEO resource orchestration in a multi-industry sample of 190 Korean firms. Our results demonstrate that CEO emphasis on strategic HRM is a significant antecedent to commitment-based HR systems. Furthermore, our results also suggest that CEO emphasis on strategic HRM has its primary effects on firm performance through commitment-based HR systems. This finding underscores the importance of middle managers in operationalizing top management's strategic emphasis, lending empirical support to a fundamental tenet of resource orchestration arguments.


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