The University of Economics announced the benchmark in 2022 based on the method of high school graduation examination


On September 15, along with training institutions across the country, the University of Economics - the University of Danang announced the benchmark based on the method of high school graduation examination in 2022. Accordingly, after knowing the results of the matriculation, candidates must perform online confirmation of admission on the system of the Ministry of Education and Training: https://thisinh.thithptquocgia.edu.vn/ from September 16 to 17:00 on September 30, 2022.

The University of Economics has also guided the admission process for new students, see details at: http://due.udn.vn/vi-vn/thongbao/thongbaochitiet/id/16121/bid/456

Congratulations to the new students 48K of the University of Economics - the University of Danang!

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