Welcoming new students to DUE, A new and exciting journey ahead


On the morning of September 25, the schoolyard of the University of Economics - The University of Da Nang became more bustling with the attendance of freshmen of the 46th course to complete their admission procedures. All new students share the same happiness and eagerness for a new journey at the University of Economics.

New students received admission forms from volunteers

Students received advice on selecting majors and filled out admission forms

To prepare for the admission, the school has arranged the reception areas, instructions areas, Submission areas, and where students received instructions and submitted their admission forms. Besides, the team of collaborators and lecturers of faculties also actively advise freshmen on choosing majors and filling the records; at the same time, orienting suitable learning methods so that students can early integrate into the university environment. Students also had chances to get to know more about many Clubs of the university.

Completing the admission procedures

New students get acquainted with other students and seniors, juniors in the Club - Team - Group area

Thanks to the reasonable arrangement of admission areas and professional working styles of the staff, the admission procedure took place quickly, accurately, creating a good impression on parents and new students about the professional working style of the school staff. In addition, many new students also expressed their impressions at the University of Economics scene as well as the enthusiasm of the teachers and students. New student Le Hoang Mai Anh - Law major, said: “I've been looking forward to this day for a long time. Visiting and studying at the University of Economics - The University of Da Nang will be an interesting experience in my student life ”.

The 46K freshmen are ready for a new journey!

The University of Economics - The University of Da Nang continues to receive admission documents for those who apply for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th admission & Bachelor's degree program with the international association until the end of the day 26 / 9/2020. To all new students, let’s prepare your application and join DUE now!

 Admission documents, see: http://due.udn.vn/vi-vn/thongbao/thongbaochitiet/id/11737/bid/456